Capture the Moment Media cinematic automatic sexy hook-up edit

Capture The Moment Media: This is our latest feature for Perfect Wedding’s Fall / Winter 2012 Issue “ Carnival”. Every time we get to work with Gordon Cooper (Editor of Perfect Wedding Magazine) we get an opportunity to do something unique and fresh. You may remember our last shoot which we filmed in Mexico for the Spring / Summer issue “Aqua”. A big thank you to all the contributors for their amazing work. Be sure to buy this magazine in here on-line in e-magazine or in print. It is also available nation wide at you favourite magazine rack/store. See below for what Carnival is all about!

CARNIVAL, around the world it takes many different forms but the core of the idea is still the same: entertainment, mystery, seduction, wonder. The thought came to me to produce an event in which anyone could participate without the need to be on a special invite list. I opened the doors to the wedding industry with the first-ever Wedding Industry Mash-up! hosted at the fabulous Rosewood Hotel Georgia. The intention was to unite all these talented people and produce an outstanding editorial feature. Wedding vendors joined in on this brainchild event knowing they were being given the opportunity to showcase their talents, to Canada and the rest of the world, as part of an incredible editorial feature in Canada’s only national luxury wedding and lifestyle magazine Perfect Wedding. Creative freedom was given to all, as it is truly not creative or freedom when you are being commanded on what to do. I crossed my fingers with hopes that it would turn out as planned – it was even better!

The influence for CARNIVAL came from the sum of all the Carnivals in the world, but mainly North America, Brazil and Italy. The story portrayed in the printed magazine and in videos follows a woman who is about to wed. The depth of movement and change of scenes can be interpreted in many ways, as are all forms of art. She unites with her love, which is masked. The significance here focuses on the illusion of knowing others personality or character before tying the knot. The next scene, they both enter a dream state of mind, pondering the future and how their union may play an important roll in their lives. With the question still at hand they seek the guidance of a fortuneteller (played by artist and photographer Reine Mihtla). The Tarot cards show that with true love all can be conquered. Waking from their dream they part the curtain of light, which represents the wall of sleep, emerging into a wildly festive event they realize is their wedding reception. The real party, however, happens when they get their moment alone together in the Lord Stanley Suite Penthouse. Please enjoy and spread the word.

Gordon Cooper

Editor-in-Chief/Art Director for Perfect Wedding Magazine. A fearless and intuitive Director/Producer/Production Manager who loves to travel - without being a tourist!

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